Report Prepared By: Beckie G.
Site Location: Undisclosed Corpus Cemetery, Corpus Christi, Tx.
Contact for site: Ramona
Date of Investigation: July 19th, 2003.
Start Time: 12:15 a.m.
Stop Time: 1:30 a.m.
Investigators: Beckie G., Beto G.
Introduction & History:
This cemetery was established in 1954. There are several of Corpus Christi's prominent City Officials are interned here. It covers an estimated 3 city blocks. Reports from night workers of strange lights and equipment being moved. i.e. shovels, rakes
Equipment Used:
Fugi Fine Pix A303 Digital Camera
Olympus 35 mm camera
Gauss EMF Meter
Weather Conditions: Dry w/ light breeze. Low Humidity. Temp 78
Geomagnetic Field: Storm
Solar X-ray: Active
Physical Investigation:
We arrived about 12:30 am . Beto proceeded to wander about taking EMF readings and I walked around trying to get a feel for the place. groups members A & B tried to take pics, but for some reason their cameras wouldnt work properly. After being there about 15 mins the emf meter had a spike of 7-8 and held in that area for over a minute. We walked through our planned area and headed back toward the car, as we did, the emf spiked again, between 6-7. So we grabbed some more pics. As we were gathering ourselves, Group member A's car decided to lock itself. I guess their way of saying "STAY "
Analysis of Photos:
Preliminary findings show possible orb and Ectoplasmic activity.
Summary & Conclusions: Preliminary results warrant second investigation.
::click photos below for larger view::